

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

How to keep your Female Friends interested in You

As any man who has ever had a girlfriend can confirm, ladies are jealous creatures. They're forever accusing their dates of checking out other women and hitting on their friends - and, much as we may deny it, they're frequently right.

Most guys suspect that their relationship isn't going to last. At some point his girlfriend's jealousy and paranoia are going to become too much for him. Or possibly his wandering eyes will drive her into dumping him. Either way, the end seems inevitable and it pays to be prepared.

If you have more than a handful of dates with a lady, you're likely to meet her friends. And some of those friends are likely to be attractive. By charming those girls now, you can ensure that your eventual break up will do nothing to stop you scoring with them in the months to come.

So how do you go about it?

The first thing to remember is never to do the dirty on your girlfriend. It doesn't matter how gorgeous her very drunken friend is, good guys do not cheat.

Bad guys know better, too; if your current girl catches you misbehaving word will soon get around for single girls to steer well clear of you. It's rarely worth the fallout.

But you can pave the way for post-break-up encounters with other girls.

Bear in mind that you are currently unavailable - so act it. Don't use any pick up lines, don't exchange innuendoes and don't attempt to get your girl's best friend to kiss you. Your mission just now is not to actually score with her friends; it's to get them to like you enough that you'll stand a chance with them in the future.

Ironically, the best way to get your girlfriend's friends interested in you is to be interested in your girlfriend. If you treat her well and show yourself to be a sweet, considerate guy you will immediately be seen as a catch. Making a big deal out of her birthday or special occasions is a great way to show that you care about her, while asking her friends for advice about which gifts to buy or where to take her will simultaneously flatter and impress them. 
Build up a genuine rapport with her friends. Make a point of remembering their names and little details such as their jobs, hobbies and what types of pet they all keep. When one of them talks to you, make sure you really listen. Maintain eye contact, smile and pay attention to what they're telling you. If you can establish a friendly connection with the girls, they'll miss you after the break up - and will grab every opportunity to re-establish that bond.

Be aware of how the girls are feeling. If one looks or sounds unhappy, ask if she's okay. If she wants to talk, turn your shoulders towards her and let her explain exactly what's getting her down. This will ensure that everyone sees you as a caring, sensitive and desirable man.

When you do break up with your current girl, try to keep things civil. If the relationship ends with a fight, her friends will feel that they have to take her side. If, however, you and your ex are able to exchange pleasantries her friends will feel free to do the same.

A break up doesn't have to signal the end of all contact with a group. Play your cards right now and the end of one flirtation could very well be the start of something new.

Credit: Kelvin Ho

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