

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Spices that can help you lose weight

Spices as we know add incredible flavour and aroma to food, especially low-salt dishes where flavours can sometimes be lacking.

But do you know that they are necessities in the fight against fat? Too often, they are relegated to attractively labelled but rarely used bottles on revolving spice racks. This is unfortunate, because using the right blend of these taste enhancers produces delicious, low-calorie dishes that will make it easier to stick with your new weight-loss-friendly eating habits.

The following are a list of spices you can consider:

Ginger and weight loss

Fresh ginger is not just used for fighting colds and the flu, but can enhance the flavours of your cuisines without adding calories.
If losing weight is on your list this year, you'll want to include ginger since it naturally boosts metabolism. If you experienced an unbearable cough from the vog, ginger tea will give you relief. Ginger contains phenols and volatile oils which assist the body with detoxification.
Ginger even boosts circulation which can be a dilemma for many with diabetes. Studies have indicated that fresh ginger root is a natural anti-inflammatory. If you have any digestive problems or feel nauseated from travel sickness ginger can provide relief.
The easiest way is to make a tea from hot water poured onto some grated fresh ginger. If you would like to sweeten it, add some stevia. However, stay away from artificial sweeteners. If you have diabetes, do not add honey as it will increase your blood sugar.

Garlic & Weight loss
We've known for some time that garlic is a nutritional powerhouse. It's been shown to boost immunity; relax blood vessels to open up blood flow and reduce blood pressure; quell inflammation, a known trigger of premature aging and disease; protect blood vessels from damage, thus lowering the risk of heart disease; and even protect against osteoarthritis. Now, scientists claim to have found a new benefit - they say it can prevent weight gain and might even cause weight loss.
To get the most out of this amazing spice, crush fresh garlic and let it sit at room temperature for a full 10 minutes before cooking. Several studies have shown that this helps retain about 70 percent of its beneficial natural compounds compared to cooking it immediately after crushing. That's because crushing the garlic releases an enzyme that's been trapped in the cells of the plant. The enzyme boosts levels of health promoting compounds, which peak about 10 minutes after crushing. If the garlic is cooked before this, the enzymes are destroyed.

Chilies and weight loss
Add some heat to your food to fire up your metabolism. “A sprinkling of red chilli peppers on your dinner keeps hunger pangs at bay,” reports the Daily Mail. It said that spicing up a daily diet with chopped chilli peppers could help curb your appetite.
How does Chili Peppers Trigger Weight Loss? Several studies have been conducted to figure out how and why peppers can lead to weight loss. The findings have pinpointed capsaicin, the ingredient responsible for making peppers hot, as the reason why they have a fat burning ability. This potent ingredient triggers the pain receptors in your mouth to become activated. Therefore, after you consume a spicy dish, your pain receptors send a message to your brain that relief is needed and pronto! Your brain responds to this cry for help by speeding up your metabolism and heart rate, in order for your body to sweat and cool off (which explains why you sweat sometimes after ingesting spicy food).

As a result, your body experiences an increased calorie burn and engages in a fight against fat. Basically, your body has a similar experience as it does during a workout. However, this doesn’t mean that you can forgo the gym! (Unfortunately, not that many calories are burned.) If you are one of those people who cannot stand to consume spicy foods, there is still hope. There is a version of capsaicin known as Dihydrocapsiate, or DCT, and this ingredient also has fat burning abilities, but does not deliver a potent burning sensation.

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